Minutes for Board Meeting on Sept. 13, 2022
Meeting began at 6:02 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance
Camille by phone
Sherry by phone and zoom
Agenda approved:
Heather motioned; Berea seconded
July minutes need approval
August minutes approved: Heather motioned; Berea seconded; all approved
The auditor, JoAnn, and Sherry are working together to finish the audit.
Annual budget discussed.
Building Committee report:
Friends may donate to building fund
Volunteer logs due at the end of the month
Board then went into executive session.
They will meet with Sherry about her evaluation.
Sherry’s Director Report:
Lisa motioned that all non-tax square revenue be transferred to the building fund;
Berea seconded
Lisa moved to adjourn the meeting; Berea seconded
Sherry joined the meeting and the meeting was extended.
Lisa motioned to approve to apply for Sherry’s $20,000 grant; Heather seconded
Lisa motioned to approve ICSL trip for Sherry and Abbie; Berea seconded
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.