Originally posted June 4, 2020.
New Jersey
- Book List: EPIC New Jersey
- MATH: Maps are a great way to practice your math skills. Find at least two locations on this interactive map of New Jersey from Mr. Nussbaum
- Science: Virtual Planetarium tours. Liberty Science Center is home to the Jennifer Chalsty Planetarium, the biggest planetarium in America. This live stream was broadcast on Liberty Science Center’s Facebook page on Thursday, April 2.
- Art: I am absolutely amazed at all the ways people have adapted during COVID-19. The All Children’s Art Center of New Jersey practice and performed their production of Cinderella online. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=525068528161230&ref=watch_permalink
- History: Explore History Kids. https://www.state.nj.us/state/historykids/NJHistoryKids.htm
- Writing: New Jersey is right on the ocean. I would love to visit there. Your writing prompt is to pretend like you work for a travel agency. Write a brief description of New Jersey to get me excited to come and visit.
- Book Pick: Boxcar Children, I love a good Boxcar Children mystery. The Aldens are visiting the New Jersey shore and enjoying the beach and the boardwalk attractions. A family friend has just bought an amusement pier, and the children are excited to help out. But there are rumors that the rides aren’t safe, and someone has stolen a zombie from the haunted house! Can the Boxcar Children find out what’s behind all the trouble?
For more of Boxcar Children click here: Boxcar Children
Thomas Edison from New Jersey did not invent the first electric light, but he did invent the first “light bulb.”
New Jersey’s second largest industry is tourism. It is the home of the longest boardwalk in the world.
Partners are critical to the success of a complete and accurate count in 2020. Do you know why the 2020 Census matters? Do you know how participating can help your community? Learn more here US Census Bureau
Counting for Dollars 2020: The Role of the Decennial Census in the Geographic Distribution of Federal Funds by George Washington University Institute of Public Policy 9/3/19
This report identifies each federal program that geographically distributes financial assistance based, in whole or part, on data derived from the Decennial Census; and ascertains the connection between Decennial Census accuracy and the equitable distribution of funds to states and local areas.
Toward a Fair and Accurate Census 2020 policy paper from The Fund for New Jersey
US Census Bureau: the History of the Decennial Census of Population and Housing