Tuesday, April 11th, 2022, 6:00 p.m.
Donnelly Public Library, 150 E. State St., Donnelly, ID
- Call to Order: Mary Stegner 6:02 PM. Present: Chair Mary Stegner, Trustee Heather Larronde, Trustee Camille Nelson, Trustee Berea Thompson, Lisa Andresen, Director Sherry Scheline
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Agenda: Lisa made a motion to accept feb meeting / Heather second /Motion carried
- Consent Agenda: Lisa motion / Camille Second / Motion carried
Reading, correcting, approving or disposing of minutes of previous meeting
Reports of standing committees
i.. Heather gave report for Friends
- Grant Committee: It was discussed to ask LMCF for a grant to cover Architect to draw up plans and begin development.
Iii. Strategic Planning committee:
Jayme analyzing survey
Goals are the same
- Improve and expand
- Programming
- Increase awareness
Building Committee:
Berea and Heather to lead the building committee
Heather reported that P&Z needed a design review
(Design Review Fee)
Building Committee (Outdoor Classroom) (P&Z Updates) Trustee Larronde to update on Planning & Zoning and CUP: She will keep the Board updated.
- Unfinished Business
- Review of Policies/Procedures and Employee Manual
- Programming policy: Trustee Stegner provided a copy of the Programming Policy for all members to review. No changes or additions were made at this time.
- Review current programs: The following requirements were discussed and agreed upon to be developed and implemented by Director Scheline as soon as possible:
1) A form of written permission must be completed for any minor under the age of 18 to attend programming (including “after hours” programming) housed at the Library.
2) With regard to the current after hours LBGTQ meeting, it is requested that the name of the program be changed to reflect a more inclusive nature for all teens. It is recommended that the program name be decided on by the teens attending.
3) All programming must be advertised on the website and easy to navigate to.
Programming Policy Discussion
- Promoted on website
- Registration signed by parents
- Establish budget and goals
Clear goals for each program
After Hours: Parent needs to know
Lisa motioned to accept Programming Policy as written /Berea second/
Motion carried
- New Business
- Letter to ourselves for P&Z
Lisa made a motion to approve the letter to ourselves/ Berea 2nd / Motion carried
- No Questions/comments from the public
- Adjournment:
Camille motion to adjourn 7:24
Berea second
Adjourned 7:24